Full membership costs £100 + VAT and gives you free attendance at the Winter Conference, a vote at the AGM, heavily subsidised training and Annual Conference places, opportunity to enter TUCO Competitions and the Awards, and access to procurement frameworks.
Open to organisations which are higher education institutions and have not outsourced their catering and hospitality activities.
Associate membership is free and offers you training and access to procurement frameworks.
Open to organisations which do not qualify as or do not wish to become full members and are higher education institutions or are public sector bodies which have not outsourced their catering and hospitality activities.
Affiliate members have outsourced catering, cannot use the frameworks but can attend Academy events.
Open to organisations which do not qualify as or do not wish to become full members or associate members and are public sector bodies which have outsourced their catering and hospitality activities.
You must meet the following criteria
- You must be inhouse to become a member, however if you are outsourced you may still be able to gain some TUCO Benefits, please contact us and let us know
- Must be a legal entity
- More than 50% of their funding is from the public purse
- Half or more of the Board are nominees from a Contracting Authority
- They are under the management control of a Contracting Authority
- You are responsible for the management of the institution's catering services
- You are willing to support TUCO activities and abide by the Articles of Association