As a TUCO member, you now have access to trendhub, an online food and beverage trends portal from thefoodpeople.

You can access a plethora of weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual food and beverage trends content in the form of articles, reports, videos and infographics. Trend content can be searched, trawled, shared, starred, commented on, printed and downloaded, you can even create your own trend reports.
Trendhub will keep you inspired and informed about the very latest developments from the world of food and beverage trends from all continents using their unique global trends spotting network - helping you stay one step ahead of the latest trends.
To access this resource click here.

Once in trendhub, a quick and easy way to find your way around is to use the ’take a tour’ function which will quickly familiarise you with the key functions of the trendhub portal. The first time you log in you will be guided through ‘on boarding’ which allows you to set a series of interests and preferences to customise your trendhub experience.
We hope you enjoy being inspired and informed about all matters food and drink trend related through this exciting interface between TUCO members and thefoodpeople.
For trendhub support contact [email protected] or [email protected].