Love British Food have announced the launch of the Great British Pie Challenge 2024 for British Food Fortnight – the national celebration of British food taking place 20 September – 6 October.

Chefs and caterers from all sectors in the UK are being challenged to create a pie using British ingredients to include on their menus during British Food Fortnight. Open to all catering and hospitality sites - schools, hospitals, care homes, pubs, restaurants, hotels, cafes, business, destinations, event venues and stadia – chefs and caterers will need to create the pie following their industry guidelines on costs and nutrition.   


The winning chef will receive a British food hamper celebrating the best of British food – exact details to follow soon.

To Enter

To enter email your name, place of work with a photo of your pie, copy of menu including the pie plus story behind your pie – regional link/ingredients used etc – [email protected] – by 10 October 2024.

Plus, share the photo of your pie on your social media channels during  British Food Fortnight including hashtag #BritishFoodFortnightChallenge


  • Create a pie and included on menus during British Food Fortnight (20 September – 6 October 2024)
  • Use British ingredients
  • Recipe created within industry guidelines/spec (eg. Schools/hospitals - cost/nutrition)
  • Entry to include photo, copy of menu with dish included, story behind the pie eg. Ingredients used, heritage, regional distinctiveness
  • Photo of pie and menu to be shared on social media channels with hashtag #BritishFoodFortnightChallenge
  • Pies will be judged individually – judges to consider target audience and industry guidelines (cost/nutrition) for each entry

Click here to read the terms & conditions.