We'd like to invite all suppliers to a workshop being held at one of our member institutions - the University of the West of England - around the subject of 3D food printing.

3D Food Printing: Building Sustainable and Resilient Food Supply Chains


EP1, University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol
Wed 6 November 2024 10 am – 3.30 pm

3D food printing enables the on-demand manufacture and customisation of food to meet the unique needs of groups such as the elderly and athletes and has the potential to increase access to specialist and functional food products for the healthcare sector. However, despite the potential advantages (e.g., increased personalisation, reduced waste), its adoption remains limited and there is little research exploring its impact on food supply chains.

In this workshop, we will bring together expert speakers to examine the potential of 3D food printing, and the role it could play in increasing food supply chain resilience and sustainability by asking:

  • How can 3D food printing contribute to the development of sustainable and resilient supply chains?
  • What is needed to enable the adoption of 3D printed foods?

The workshop will explore where 3D printing of food can support and enhance the resilience and sustainability of our food production systems, identifying barriers to adoption and how these might be overcome, and where the potential benefits lie for this emerging technology.   
We welcome input and insight from across the food production sector, including food manufacturers, innovators, or suppliers, to establish where future research in 3D food printing should be targeted to yield the greatest benefits to food supply chains, helping to build resilience and sustainability.
Priority areas for technology development identified through this workshop, will help steer future research and investment.

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